Pallet racking inspection requirements

Is it a legal requirement to have an annual racking inspection?

Currently, there are no guidelines to say that it is a legal requirement to have an annual racking inspection. But, if you do not get your racking inspection on a yearly basis, you are breaching the advice from HSE’s.

The guide provided by HSE’s suggests that it is the warehouse owners legal responsibility to maintain the safety of their warehouse – which of course includes the racking as this can become a health and safety risk for employees working alongside and nearby the racking.

Why should I get a yearly racking inspection?

Many people question why they should get a yearly racking inspection as it is an additional cost for the company and if everything looks okay, it should be okay. But wrong! Here is why you should invest in carrying out annual racking inspections:

  • Saves the company money in the long run as any repairs can be fixed early.
  • Instead of having the whole racking system replaced because of one bit of damage that could have been fixed if found early, it is worthwhile.
  • Protects employee’s safety.
  • Ensures that palletised goods are safe.
  • Just because it looks safe, doesn’t mean it is.
  • You may not have noticed any damage that a racking inspection might.

Other inspections

As well as pallet racking, if your warehouse has any other storage systems installed in it, they will also need inspections to ensure health and safety for your employees and as well to protect the palletised goods. This includes a mezzanine floor, industrial shelving etc.

The Benefits of Using Epoxy Tooling Boards

Epoxy Tooling Board Suppliers

Tooling boards or modelling boards are the trusted material choice for many companies, used to make prototype models and designs across the aerospace, motorsport and industrial industry.

Mould and pattern tools need to meet the various demands of the marketplace, Epoxy tooling board suppliers are experts at this and can successfully advise on how to successfully use Epoxy materials to complete your project.

Why use Epoxy Tooling Board?

Epoxy Tooling Boards are used for all forms of carbon fibre production and vacuum forming materials including prepreg tooling, moulds and composites.

It is often chosen for use in high-temperature applications, as it provides a consistent performance level up to 205 degrees.

Epoxy tooling board is a versatile product that is very easy to work with. It is strong and resilient with excellent internal consistency, allowing you to produce highly accurate patterns and moulds.

It is also available in many different board thicknesses up to 200mm, to suit design plans. As well as this, it is extremely low co-efficient in terms of thermal expansion.



Divorce Lawyer

A divorce lawyer is responsible for sorting the division of assets and debt among each spouse. A divorce lawyer may also be expected if there are children involved to help set the terms for child support and child custody. They may also be expected to go to court for legal separations.

A divorce lawyer can be expensive, starting from about £1000

for their fees, plus the court fees which are approximately £550. There may be extra fees involved if there are financial orders or child custody issues.

A divorce lawyer will be able to advise you of the procedures you must follow to get a divorce, you can only get a divorce if you have been married at least a year. The divorce will end your marriage. You may be able to get divorced without needing a divorce lawyer if you and your ex-partner can agree on the divorce and the reason why.

If you cannot agree on a divorce or why you want to get divorced, then you may need to get a divorce lawyer involved, this will cost you more money and more time.

A divorce will usually take 4-6 months if everything is amicable and you are both in agreement, however, if you cannot agree and there are issues with property, children or money, it will take a lot longer.

If you cannot afford a divorce lawyer, you could look to legal aid to help you or represent yourself in court. Mostly spouses are responsible for paying their legal fees and the costs of divorce. However, if one spouse earns considerably more they may be asked to pay for it all.

In most divorce cases the home is a couple’s biggest asset. It will usually be split 50/50 unless one spouse specifically owns it over the other.

A divorce lawyer will try and help you get the best deal for you, however, there are things they may advise you not to do such as:

Don’t neglect your finances

Don’t forget to consult with an attorney

Do not use your children as pawns

Don’t do anything you may regret later

Be honest with your divorce lawyer so he/she can prepare for and deal with any potential problems that may arise, make sure that any details that may help your case are shared with them so no stone is left unturned.

If children are involved in your divorce, usually the court will side with the mother and any children under 5 will stay with the biological mother, of course, this is not set in stone and under different circumstances, they may be awarded to stay with their father.

In any divorce, if at all possible you should always try and be fair, understandably this cannot always happen, your divorce lawyer will be on hand to help with advice and issues that may arise.

Broken Heart

Broken Heart

Coded Welding

A coded welder is someone who has completed an approved test for a specific welding job. In the United Kingdom welding approval codes are done to ISO standards, in the USA the ASME IX standard is used.

The welder working on the job provides a welding sample that matches the work being carried out. This is then examined by a qualified tester to check the capabilities of the welder. If the welder passes, then they are coded to that specification.

Each specification has its own code and being coded in one doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be coded in another. Training, tests and examination are all required to become a multi-coded welder.

Different Types of Welding

There are a few different types of welding used in industry today, each requiring their own skillset to be completed at a competent level.

TIG – This type of welding is also known as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) and is commonly used where high-quality welds are required.

MIG – This type of welding is also known as Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). MIG is the most common type of welding process currently used in industry. This type of welding can also be used for a variety of metals and alloys.

MMA – Commonly referred to as stick welding this process is very low-cost and can be used anywhere. This process can be used on a variety of materials.

Fusion Welding – Gas and water pipework is where this welding process is commonly used. Heat and copper wire are used to fuse the ends of the pipe together.

These are the most common types of welding which you can get coded for.

Training courses are available to get further experience ready for any coding examinations you wish to take.



Since 4000 BC, forging techniques have been practised in order to make tools and equipment used for day to day tasks. Now, over 6000 years later, we still use forging to create the tools and equipment we use in day to day life.

Find out more on what forging is and the different types of forgings available today.


What is forging?

Forging is a process in which heated metal is reshaped using force. After pre-heating the metal, it is pressed into a tool which then causes the metal to take the shape of the specific tool used.

Compared to forging in 4000 BC, where they used rocks to shape the metal, forging is much more advanced in the 21st century.

Types of Forging

Hand forging

Blacksmithing, which is more commonly known as hand forging, is a manual method of forging. Just like any forging process, the metal is heated in order to allow for the shaping process to begin. In hand forging the pre-heated metal is beaten into its desired shape using a hammer against a metal anvil.

Due to using a manual process of forging, hand forging provides a superior grain when compared to other forging methods due to the bending of the metal whilst its hot. Due to this bending, it means the forged item is much stronger and lasts longer compared to other forging methods.

Upset Forging

Heading, which also has the name of upset forging, is one of the more common forging techniques used in today’s day and age.  The process involves a pre-heated bar which is position in between grooves whilst pressure is applied.

The dies applying pressure allow the hot metal to be shaped and in turn, the desired design can be achieved.

forgings                     forging

Drop Forging

Drop forging is a processed used in machine forging. This forgings process consists of a hammer which is dropped onto a heated piece of metal in order to shape it. Within drop forging there are two popular types of forging; Open die forging and Closed die forging.

Open die forgings are where the metal is placed on a stationary anvil and then shaped using the hammer. It gets its name ‘Open Die’ as the die does not fully enclose the metal when it is being forged.

Closed die forgings are different to open die in the respect that the dies are a fixed structured and therefore close around the metal when the pressure is being applied.